28-30 Jun 2023 Valenciennes (France)


QATEM 2023 is the seventh event under a workshop series on Quantitative Approaches in Tourism Economics and Management. The workshop/conference is co-organized and supported by the Polytechnic University of Hauts de France (LARSH) and the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE). It will be held in Valenciennes (France) on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 2023. By focusing on the theme of quantitative approaches in tourism economics and management, QATEM 2023 will provide an opportunity for gathering, analyzing, and debating state-of-the-art academic research in this recent field of economic and management sciences. The scientific committee would welcome submissions on both parametric and non-parametric approaches. Theoretical contributions are also encouraged. This edition will be characterized by a scientific collaboration with the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE). A new edition of the IATE PhD workshop will be held before the QATEM workshop in order to assess the progress of PhD candidates in the field of tourism economics and management, with both theoretical and empirical focus. The IATE workshop takes place in a very friendly environment in which both academics and students give their advices and feed-back to PhD participants. In order to support personal and academic development of doctoral students and strengthen their capacity to participate to international academic life, training sessions will be delivered during the PhD workshop by world-class IATE tourism academics. Among the PhD workshop papers accepted, the top 2 papers will be selected to receive a PhD Workshop Best Paper Award with a certificate and a free registration to attend the 2024 IATE conference.

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